At SJB we offer a wide range of Trading Platforms to meet your trading needs. Call (773) 588-8254 for a consultation to see which platform may suit your needs the best.
* Please note these are some of the platforms available, third party systems are allowed.
Some of those systems are NinjaTrader, CQG and Cunningham Trading Systems to name a few.
Please contact us to see if yours is available.
Cunningham Trading Systems:
Option Workshop is a front end application for options analysis, options modelling and trading.
The program allows traders to model, evaluate and test different trading strategies using charting and
analytical tools, create customizable ‘what-if’ scenarios, and monitor the current state of the market.
Also, Option Workshop has robust functionality for working with orders.
· Position analysis - control and analyze actual positions on live accounts, and model virtual option strategies
· Strategy Charts - Graphically analyze an option’s profit/loss as well as chart the greeks. Charts can be created simultaneously for different strategies, and traders can compare them visually. Ñharts are highly-customizable
· 'What if' scenarios - Change implied volatility, days to expiry or the underlying asset price of an option to model it in thousands of potential scenarios.
· Volatility and theoretical price charts - Option Workshop allows you to create volatility and theoretical price charts for options series. You can select what the chart displays, such as the range of strikes and the implied volatility that is displayed
· Market Maker - maintain bids and offers on any instrument. It’s logic is highly customizable. You can quote a bid and/or offer, setup spreads, set sensitivity to either price or volatility change.
· Delta Hedger - designed to keep the delta of a position of options within a desired range. The user may segregate some options positions in a separate subportfolio and hedge them independently.

Below you will find links to each Futures Commission Merchant (FCM) and some of the electronic platforms they provide. Please click on each link to see if you can find a platform which best suits your trading style. Please note that if you ever need to phone your orders in that option is also available.